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About the Founder

D Scott Andrews:

24 years of experience in the phonics industry, including 18 years at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, working in the National Ignition Facility and Jupiter Laser Facility. His roles at LLNL, Privet firms and as the head of TitanLabs have included designing, building and operating complex optical instruments.

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Designed by titan Labs

Titan Labs is an private design firm located in Berkeley CA, specializing in technology that relates to lasers, optics and light. 

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Streak Camera Optics - Mechanical


What are X-Waves?

X-Waves are new form of eye-wear that allow users to manually adjust each lens in order to vary the mount of light let through to each eye.  


X-Waves combine A Unique Lens/Filter System

with a One of a kind Light-block eye cup.


X-Waves are similar in function to an eye patch, but are more adjustable and provide a more approachable everyday design . 


© 2021 Fiat Lux Photonics Inc d.b.a TitanLabs

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